Moonbound III

Moonbound III - Modena 12-13 ottobre 2002

resoconto fotografico

rescoconto di un partecipante

il programma

la beneficenza all'A.I.R.C.

Le precedenti convention

Una Alphana secondo Pueroni


Cogliendo l'occasione per ringraziare tutti coloro che ci hanno inviato lettere di apprezzamento e di affetto dopo Moonbound Three, ne approfittiamo per pubblicarne una... Una sola, non vogliatemene...!!!

"Dear Giuliano -

Thank you again for all hard work on my behalf and the wonderful hospitality in Modena. I enjoyed every single moment of my stay and the convention. And a special thank you for taking me to Ravenna - the three of you are the best company and Laura loved meeting you all. My week with her was perfect, meeting again her family and friends after so many years. It was brilliant sunshine up until the moment I left and now, here in England, it is cold and full of rain.

I think I left a large part of my heart in lovely Italy.

Thank also all those of the fans who made me so welcome, especially Rosa for the wonderful presents they gave me on their behalf - it all arrived safe in England.

And grateful thanks also to Silvana and her husband for their care of me and Silvana's brilliant language skills which made communication seem so effortless. I'm hoping to write to all of you personally...

It was a memorable visit and it makes me so proud that it is my work on Space:1999 that has brought such friends and richness into my life.

For now...


Ecco la cifra raccolta per l'A.I.R.C.

Per contattare la redazione
